Gamma Knife South Africa

Acoustic neuroma patient’s long wait is over

Acoustic neuroma patient’s long wait is over

“One morning, I woke up and I couldn’t hear in my right ear anymore. I went to the GP, and then to an ear, nose and throat specialist, and at first, they could not diagnose what was wrong. Eventually, I was sent for an MRI and the scan identified a tumour growing on a nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain. I was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma,” says 49-year-old Renet Botha, formerly Rene Kotze, from Johannesburg.

Mrs Kotze relates how traditional surgery that she had in 2008 had failed to eliminate the tumour. “I had a 17-hour long operation to remove the tumour. I experienced temporary relief from the headaches, but the recovery from the operation took two years because there are so many interconnected nerves in the area where they had to operate.

“Unfortunately, the tumour grew back. I started exploring options with my doctor, and that is when I first heard of Gamma Knife treatment. At that time, I would have had to travel to the Unites States at my own expense.

“I had been eagerly waiting for the technology to become available in South Africa. The tumour was growing quite slowly, at a rate of approximately 3mm per year. I was so grateful to receive a telephone call to say that the Gamma Knife Icon had arrived.”

Botha says that she was initially anxious when she heard that she would not be anaesthetised for her Gamma Knife treatment. “The Gamma Knife SA team were brilliant; they played classical music for me during the treatment, and they kept me updated on how much longer it would take – the treatment itself lasted only 56 minutes,” she recalls.

“I have been told that this treatment has shown an exceptional success rate internationally in terms of reducing or preventing further growth of acoustic neuroma.  

“I did not know what to expect in the Gamma Knife Icon treatment, but now that I have had it, I can tell you that I would rather go through 300 Gamma Knife treatments than have that 17-hour operation again,” Botha says.

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