Gamma Knife South Africa

International best practice

best practice

Specialised brain radiosurgery unit

Gamma Knife South Africa is a specialised brain radiosurgery unit and a centre of excellence that offers world class care. It is home to the Leksell Gamma Knife Icon, the latest Gamma Knife system and a global leader in precision radiation medicine. It is a clinically proven radiosurgery treatment supported by well documented outcomes and an extensive library of scientific and medical publications.

“More studies have been done on Gamma Knife® than all other stereotactic radiosurgery systems combined. Over 300 centres worldwide prefer Gamma Knife for brain radiosurgery.”

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Gamma Knife radiosurgery is largely considered to be the standard-of-care in the management of many conditions of the brain because of its consistently excellent outcomes. It occupies centre stage in the surgical management of many brain disorders and is no longer considered a novel therapeutic approach.

Netcare’s strategic focus

Our unit is housed at Netcare’s Milpark Hospital because of Netcare’s key strategic focus on providing patients with access to sophisticated digital systems that promote quality care and that are recommended practice in international standards.

Centre of excellence

Coupled with our state-of-the-art Gamma Knife unit, the Gamma Knife South Africa multidisciplinary team comprises numerous, highly regarded experts.

We believe that every patient deserves access to this leading-edge technology and the best chance for success in their treatment.”
– Unit Manager, Gamma Knife South Africa.